Friday, January 28, 2011

hi there - these are new or revised- feed back is welcome as i dont really know what i am doing. also the format of the poems are very different from how they are below. i haven't figured out how to do it in the text box- the actual poems have much different spacing .....
thanks for reading- jesse

White Animals

Two white animals

pierced. In two days.

Freud says this-

Jung that-

You know its Tsunami season

when Tsunami is used in a poem.

And if those guys are in the same poem

you know the writer just ate

a green pepper or

swallowed a grape.

Trinity House

Her sweater pocket

blue electric


it’s fuzzy white knit.

Remember that time

I caught your dog at my door

holding the DVD player?

A rose colored stem

rocking clink at his feet.

His dry pads singing to his wet eyes

The song went something like:

Dunt dunt dunt

The Spell

Tremble unwound the lurk of oxygen




Creamy animal injury

Prehistoric mice Influenced by mercury

Eating a plum 3 times in retrograde

Thank Giacometti three times direct

Giacometti !

Giacometti !

Giacometti !

Plasticity like fruit on a table

Like a phone in faked accents

Silver, white, algebraic

Plasmatics in your solar 5th house

Birds singing:

Why hello there

some one I know there

Scrim glimmers filthy amber folds

Night vision tug of amnesiacs lore.

Sorceress’ oh sorceress’

Oh… for a stickman moment

The Jump

you were pulling rabbits and bunnies and doves from a hat

I a log a hammer some rocks

it was called cold

and we had the best we ever had.

a special diet with alleged rings of ashes

flanked by the bending flatware

imagine four million dollars in your account

then walk right through it.

And the sun screamed atlantic!

eggs would be burning

Then the sun screamed pacific!

the tea pot whistling

And then with thong nesting ass

screamed ouh-wah ) ) ) my fuc- king toe!

And the sand soaked it up

and the seashell sat messy-mouth smile

Taught to an Astrologer

Some say don't

write of lips, love, wheels turning in the sky.

Some say don't

speak of flowers, crosses, towers,

winds or valleys.

Don't draw red apples, smiling trees or flaming


Here’s to noodles being their noodley selves. scale soft noodle.

Like the mouse insides of a black snake insides of a wall.

Don't write of lips pressing lips,

tears pooling ripples.

Here’s to the sand in the crack of your ass

at the seashore, with your censored sunset-

painted in the grease of a greasy pizza box, all soaked greasy pleasant.

Scorned if to write of chakras, dead friends, celibacy or cracks in the earth.

“Like the sand in an hour glass”

Like the weight you gain on TV.

Inspirational Talk

You were pulling rabbits and bunnies and doves from a hat

I a log a hammer some rocks

It was called cold

and we had the best stew we ever had.

A special diet decorated with alleged rings of ashes

flanked by the bending flatware

Imagine four million dollars in your account

then walk right through it.

And the sun screamed atlantic!

eggs would be burning

Then the sun screamed pacific!

the teapot whistling

And then with thong nesting ass

screamed ouh-wah ) ) ) my fuc- king toe!

And the sand soaked it up

and the seashell sat messy-mouth smile

From the Lecturn

Arms flowing like heroin just above chlorination

A girl coming out to sign god

The plasma screen screams Stephen Hawking

doesn't believe and why should he really

Happy birthday dear birthday

The spirit bypass coated in coughings

unshackled in flavor

“To meditate on death my child find a picture of a corpse”

Fortune Walkup

When I decided to get the smile of a Cheshire cat

tattooed on my inner upper lip.

He mixed up the colors.

When I went to the ATM

there was a hole behind the machine-

I squeezed my shoulders through-

to a room full of unfamiliar friends.

The crawl space had recently been remodeled.

I did some things there that I forget-

then I went out a window.

Through the outer forest.

Out my inner ear.

Dank sticky cinema-

a jumbo fan blowing

propaganda in the dark.

He had been waiting for hours.

To scratch my surface

To fill it with glow.

Charge the Citadels

a double hit by van halen

a slave girl holding a vase

tumors filled the books

books filled the shelves

and you would not believe

the sinful things I’ve done

your picture on my

computer screen

today the citadels

clock is slow


speaking of princess'

ruddy faces

gliss the holidays - harvest

a white gourd

at a bodega

your fingernail etching

with vamped up punctuation.

Across Boundaries

I will be professional when professional is fun

Draped in pink cotton

I will feed the wrong dog when it comes

The font was circus.

With the same last name like gang-busters or nitwittery

I wish I could spend all day with the track star.

Misty eyes.

Always yielding to our modern scholars

colorful beads dangling from the necks of gentle giants

Head to foot on the grass under 14 tons of old school steel.

You asked if I was happy with the struggle?

The Red Badge of Courage.

The Scarlet Letter.

I will write that poem for the plastic gutter spoon

under the M

crave the extremes like don't let the day end

In sweats stripe stretching across her

become a monk and a god star beaming

Knees up pressing on the seat back in front of them on my hands palms down

on the tops of them side by side on the school bus

drivers mind.